EXECUTIVE OFFERINGS: "We don't see things as they are, we see things as WE are."


CohereUs Consulting works with you to on critical leadership success factors, such as emotional/social intelligence, one-on-one coaching, group facilitation, effective/efficient communication, resiliency, culture transformation, and creative and innovative thinking.


  • One-on-one Coaching - Jim is an International Coach Federation certified professional coach (PCC)

  • Social Intelligence/Emotional Intelligence For Professionals – learning the fine art of developing and maintaining a mature and fully productive relationship with self and others

  • Resiliency For Professionals  Resilience for the Professional looks into what makes people move from high stress to a state in which the mind operates at its best. Participants will learn to assess their current level of stress and gain useful tools and practices to manage it. 


  • Taking the Lead With Horses – If you are a leader looking for an accomplished coach to help with your personal and professional development, try a horse! Equine assisted leadership programs and sessions are a proven, highly effective  and rewarding way to hone or discover the skills critical to being an influential, effective leader.


  • The Whole Brain Executive – learning to think and act with the collaborative help of both left and right hemispheres of the brain and the latest discoveries in neuroscience
  • Becoming a Resonant Leader – learning the techniques of transferring talent and skill to your managers and their direct reports


  • The Art of Storytelling – using story to engage interest and stimulate action in your employees and managers


  • The Art of the Creative/Innovative Leader – how to think like Leonardo Da Vinci: using multiple perspectives and discipline to redefine the ordinary into the extraordinary